Ministry of Industry and Information Technology: The relocation and transformation of hazardous chemical production enterprises have made phased progress

Release time: 2021/2/6

  On the 5th, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology announced that as of December 31, 2020, 1,123 hazardous chemical production enterprises in densely populated urban areas have been relocated and transformed, completing the 2020 stage goal。
  The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology said,Since 2017, the state has started the relocation and transformation of hazardous chemical production enterprises in densely populated urban areas,A total of 505 hazardous chemical production enterprises in densely populated urban areas closed down and withdrew, and 264 enterprises moved into compliance chemical parks,The risk of the enterprise's original safety environment has been completely eliminated;357 enterprises transformed or relocated nearby residents through internal renovation,The safety and health protection distance of hazardous chemical enterprises is not up to standard。The relocation and transformation of hazardous chemical enterprises not only further guaranteed the safety of people's lives and property, but also promoted the transformation and upgrading of enterprises。
  Yu Wei, deputy Director of the Raw material Industry Department of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology: Some enterprises through relocation and transformation, its core competitiveness has been improved, and the entire product structure has been greatly adjusted。And we have eliminated some backward production capacity through relocation and transformation, and let the market out。
  The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology said that the next step is to complete the relocation and transformation of the remaining 50 large and extra-large hazardous chemical enterprises by the end of 2025。
Reprinted from: China Chemical Industry Network

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